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Please be aware that there's a new shiny website on its way very soon.

Unfortunately that means some of the links and details on the site here may be a little glitchy.

If you've got any questions or want to know how best to work with me - the easiest way is to contact me directly and ask.

You can use the Contact Me page here - or email me directly to

Thanks for your patience and an even better website will be available very soon.

May 2024

I'm Sonia Davies

and you are very welcome here

I'm a Guide, a Healer and a Therapeutic Coach

I have always believed that anyone can make their dreams come true.

My mission is to help you believe that too.

I want you to have the impact you already know you're here for.

You know deep down inside that you are here to have an impact, to make a difference, to leave a legacy.

Except - something holds you back. The narrative in your head stops you diving into the progress you know in your heart you’re capable of.

If you want to stop the self-sabotage, take action and start living the life you’ve been dreaming of, you are in the right place.

I’m Sonia Davies and I’m here to guide you through the process of connecting deeply with your heart, moving away from the narrative of your head and making sure you have the impact you are truly here for.

What I do best

I am a powerful coach, guide and healer, using my unique blend of spiritual gifts with therapeutic coaching and superb communication skills.

I hold you in absolute safety and confidentiality while you explore what's happening for you.

My zone of genius is as a truth-speaker and illuminator.

I hold up the light so that you can see exactly what's really going on for you - the bits you're too close to see by yourself.

After 26 years in corporate life, experiencing burnout and realisation - I'm here to guide you through your own journey towards having the impact you are truly here for.

Want to know more?

You are welcome to have a look around the site to learn more about me,

about the services I have available and other more practical details.

But if you have any questions please do get in touch using the Contact Me form.

Or join my mailing list to keep up to date with what's going on. I promise no spam!

Copywrite Sonia Davies Coaching 2024. All rights reserved.